Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Georgia must provide a pathway to affordable, life-saving health services and prescription drugs for hundreds of thousands of its lower- and middle-income workers and self-employed small business owners. This is a matter of life, death and disability for our friends, family and neighbors, and it requires our immediate action.

We can start by closing the Medicaid coverage gap and returning up to $3 billion per year in tax revenues back into the pockets of hard-working Georgians -- money that's instead going to the 32 other states, like New York and California, and the District of Columbia that have chosen to expand healthcare access. That increased investment in our state would also create up to 56,000 good-paying jobs in the healthcare industry that can't be shipped overseas.

Next, Georgia should join the majority of other states in creating a state-based individual health marketplace that helps families and small businesses access affordable health and dental insurance, just like MassHealth in Massachusetts, Kynect in Kentucky and Covered California.
